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Ventilation Systems Fire Dampers

Fire Dampers

Fire Dampers

Fire Dampers play a crucial part of any ventilation system

Fire Dampers can provide nearly instantaneous closure of the ventilation system in the event of a fire system discharge. This prevents the dilution of the extinguishing agent and deprives the engine room of oxygen to help quell the fire faster. Fire Dampers come in standard rectangular and round dampers and slimline A60 rated fire dampers.

Ventilation System Product Categories

Products Included in Fire Damper family

Slimline A60 Rated Fire Dampers

Slimline A60 Rated Fire Dampers are all 316 stainless steel construction. They are US Coast Guard and MED approved. They come fully assembled and ready to install. With its patented overlapping blades and locking mechanism, the Slimline A60 fire dampers offer a failsafe operation. They include a pre-wired thermal sensor and a test switch installed on the mounting bracket.

Standard Rectangular Dampers

In a standard rectangular damper, the frame and blade are made from anodized marine grade aluminum; the remaining components are all made from stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance. The closures may use either pneumatic or electric actuations. Electric actuators are available in both AC and DC power. All linkage and side seals are precision-crafted from marine grade stainless steel for maximum service life and dependability in the harsh offshore environment.

Standard Round Dampers

Round dampers contain marine-grade aluminum frame and blades. The remaining components are all made from stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance. Closure of the standard dampers may use either pneumatic or electric actuators. Electric actuators are available in both AC and DC power.

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