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Exhaust Systems Gas/Separation Mufflers

Gas/Separation Mufflers

The routing of exhaust gases and cooling water in some complex vessels brought about the development of new types of mufflers.

Centek Marine has met these needs with its gas/water separation mufflers. Separation systems are very effective where engines are located midship or well forward in the all and extremely effective in reducing exhaust noise.

Exhaust System Product Categories

Products Included in Gen-Sep® family


The Gen-Sep® diverts exhaust gases and cooling water to separate outboard ports. The Gen-Sep® must be used in conjunction with a Vernalift muffler. Combined with a Vernalift® muffler, the Gen-Sep® offers the best sound attenuation at a range of 25-30 dB’s; they are suitable for generators and must be installed above the waterline only. They are available in a wide range of sizes and colors, including any custom configuration. The Gen-Sep has the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval.  The Gen-Sep® must always be used in conjunction with a Vernalift® muffler

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