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Exhaust Systems Combo-Sep® 


The patented Combo-Sep® combines a Vernalift® muffler and a highly efficient gas/water separator into a single space-saving unit.

Centek Marine has met these needs with its gas/water separation mufflers. Separation systems are very effective where engines are located midship or well forward in the all and extremely effective in reducing exhaust noise.

Exhaust System Product Categories

Products Included in the Combo-Sep® family


Combo-Sep® mufflers offer the best sound attenuation at a range of 25-30 dB’s; they are suitable for all inboard applications and generators and can be used on gas or diesel engines. Combo-Sep® mufflers are available in either horizontal or vertical installations and must be installed above the waterline. They are available in a wide range of sizes and colors, including any custom configuration. Combo-Sep® part number sequence starts with 1040. Standard horizontal Combo-Sep® part numbers range from 104H200 – 104H500.  The Combo-Sep® has the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval.

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